SR-6500 Ultra High Resolution Spectroradiometer

The SR-6500 NIR spectroradiometer covers the UV/VIS/NIR range from 350-2500 nanometers. It features ultra-high resolution and very stable performance with three high density thermoelectrically cooled photodiode arrays. The SR-6500 is also calibrated to NIST-traceable radiometric calibration standards.


Spectral Range350 - 2500 nm
Photodiode Arrays1024 Element TE-Cooled silicon detector (VIS-NIR)
512 Element TE-Cooled InGaAs detector (SWIR 1)
512 Element TE-Cooled extended InGaAs detector (SWIR 2)
All dispersive optics fixed in placeNo moving parts
Minimum Scan Speed100 Millionseconds
Spectral Resolution1.5 nm @ 700 nm
3.0 nm @ 1500 nm
3.8 nm @ 2100 nm
Noise Equivalence Radiance (with 1.5 meter fiber optic)0.8 x 10-9 W / cm² / nm / sr @ 400 nm
0.3 x 10-9 W / cm² / nm / sr @ 1500 nm
5.8 x 10-9 W / cm² / nm / sr @ 2100 nm
Dimension12.4 x 8.7 x 4.4 inches ( 31.5 x 22.9 x 38.7 cm)
Weight11 lbs. (4.99 kg)
Operating Range0 - 40°C
CommunicationsWireless Bluetooth and USB
Instrument Power (Max)33W
BatteriesTwo Rechargeable Li-ion batteries - up to 3 hours operation each - weight <2 lbs (.9kg) - size 2" x 2.5" x 4.5" (5.08 x 6.35 x 11.43 cm) - 7.4V nominal 94 Whr
Auto dark current shutter & auto-exposure control
Auto-dark current measurement
Fixed metal clad fiber optic cable with SMA-905 input (User removable fiber/4 bolts for easy field replacement)
Comes complete with DARWin SP Data Acquisition Software (Windows XP/Vistra/Windows 7/8/10 compatible)

Applications of SR-6500 Spectroradiometer

  • Mineral identification and analysis where resolution can help to distinguish
    between minerals with very similar spectra or to unmix and identify minerals in trace amounts.
  • Soil studies for the identification of different soil characteristics, clay types,
    presence or absence of nutrients and moisture.
  • Vegetation studies for plant stress/health, over-fertilization, species
    identification and more.
  • Lab applications such as materials identification, etc.
  • Solar radiance and irradiance research.
  • Microbial diversity research